Social Responsibility

Around our companies, sustainability and making long-term contributions in a responsible way is the most adapted value for our employees, suppliers, clients, partners.

These goals applies all our the team members, clients, suppliers, partners.

Proper labor

We are much concerned with child labor on supply chains & clients.

Based on global concerns on child labor and our ongoing commitment to no child labor, we will always try to eliminate such partners and companies in that behavior.

Companies who try to act against this policy will not be accepted as supplier, partner or a client.

First, we do check ups on the related business contact and if we see any suspicious evidence, we never start any business activities or any set up with that particular companies.

Responsible Partners

We seek only to work with ethically responsible partners.

We have the set standard for our suppliers.

We regularly check on our suppliers to see and evaluate how well our suppliers are keeping up with agreed terms.

In exchange to that, we also know have to be a good partner for our audience.

All we talk is about having long-term & responsible partnerships.

Ethical Environment

Fair play, honesty and happiness are fundamental to our business.

We all have to respect each and every individual as well as animals.

In respect to that human rights and animal rights are adopted throughout our company.

This also applies to our colleagues, partners, clients.

Energy Saving

Nowadays another and in some cases the biggest  concern globally is saving the energy.

In that manner, we try to use effective energy and also inform our partners and clients on saving energy sources for better future.


We support our suppliers for recycling by forwarding them to right sources for recycling there remains.

By this way we try to keep environment more cleaner and also add values to our supplier companies.

Natural Resources

We care about natural resources as part of this living world.

In respect to nature for the all living creatures, including human-being we are focused on using ecologically compatible practices to keep healthy nature and society.